My DAW of choice

I was recently thinking why I use Ableton over any other DAW. I have used Fruityloops, Garageband, Cubase and Logic. All of which have their pros and cons. I have no major preference about the tools I’m using because fundamentally I’m just trying to capture an idea.

I believe I started using Ableton out of necessity as it was free with a midi controller that I’d bought and I did not have anything at the time. It turns out it’s an extremely useful tool in terms of quickly capturing ideas.

Having used this DAW for a few years now, I have found that I love the session mode in which you can record and launch little looping ideas. These can later be played back in a performative way and recorded to a conventional timeline.

It’s such an intuitive creative way of quickly auditioning parts, arranging sections and structuring a song. It’s changed the way I think about structure and arranging tracks.

I also love performing with ableton. Launching multiple clips and samples to create a backing track for songs or building up layers of loops is easy with a little practise and really creates a vibe. 


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