Why have I not released any music?

As an active musician and performer, I recently came to a sad realisation. With the exception of a very old EP ‘Vestiges’, the odd collaboration or two on my own and some old band stuff that had legs but fizzled out a bit, I hadn’t released any music for years. 

This made me feel dreadful, inadequate and generally shit about my self. I started thinking about how many artists I’ve seen develop and grow around me, releasing lots of incredible original music and I felt that I hadn’t achieved much.

After the shit show that was the pandemic, I realised making, recording and performing music fills my soul up and generally acts as a kind of therapy for my anxiety. However, life is busy and as a dad, family comes first, so I prioritise my children’s needs over my own musical wants.

It’s easy to watch life race past, so I thought it was about time I pulled my finger out and stop being so self deprecating and take action. I have hundred’s of home produced unfinished tracks that had potential but needed finishing. I needed a plan to help me finish these tracks.

I decided to reach out to friends and musicians who I really respect and sent them lots of these unfinished ideas and sketches and demos as a way to get feedback for potential ideas to start moving forwards.

Roll on a few weeks and I got some great feedback and some idea about which tracks were worth pursuing. I’ve even had friends remix some of these ideas and collaborations are beginning to take place.

My plan is starting to take shape.


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